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Africa BEECause

Our mission is the promotion of beekeeping as a way of improving livelihoods, particularly of the rural poor. We also support and promote initiatives to increase the bee population as this is crucial to pollination and hence to mankind.

The decline in the bee population in West Africa, as elsewhere, is almost entirely a result of human activity. As visitors to this site will know, as pollinators, bees are critically important to increasing food production as well as sustaining the environment – more bees means more peas and trees!


Reversing the decline is essential, especially as a way to help sustainably mitigate and adapt to climate changes affecting developing countries.


We currently operate in The Gambia, West Africa, but there is interest in our work in other countries in the region.

Home: What We Do

If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe,
then man would have only four years of life left.

Albert Einstein

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